
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Loving Memory

Just a few weeks ago, on August 23, 2010, we lost a very special member of the Phelps family--my Aunt Char, after a long, tough battle with cancer. An incredibly loving family member and friend, Aunt Char always managed to bring a smile to your face. A charming person through and through, she brought a renewed kindness to the world, a kindness that made life just that much brighter. I know I can't even come close to describing every amazing aspect about this incredible woman, but I'm going to give it my best shot with my own little tribute.

No matter what happened, Aunt Char was always there. She was there for me, too, but I never truly realized just how much until I thought about it recently. As a kid, I was always going over to Uncle Pat and Aunt Char's; whether Dad had a business trip or I was just going for a simple weekend visit, I always remember being there. Aunt Char was always taking care of me, and she amazed me every time I saw her. I remember going to the basement with her and looking around at her plethora of craft supplies, asking about what everything was and admiring her current projects. I loved to help her make tasty treats in the kitchen, while other times I just watched as she cooked away...often times getting distracted by her gleaming copper pots. If I happened to be spending the night, she would take the time to get me tucked in to the cozy little bed upstairs and would read me a book. And of course, who could forget the traditional giant globs of play dough we made at nearly every visit--each time a different color.

Then there were Aunt Char's crafts...from pots to baskets and everything in between, she was always making something. She made all sorts of little gifts for everyone around her, each one of them personalized. I will never forget each year at the beach, when we would all wake up on Easter morning and find special hand-made gifts from Aunt Char. She even made a scrapbook to capture all of those wonderful beach memories. She always brought such a wonderful spirit to the house, and I can still see her sitting on the beach in one of her giant sun hats.

When I first learned of Aunt Char's passing, of course I cried; but I don't think the reality had hit. While sad, we all seemed to take some sort of consolation in knowing that her suffering was over. Then came the day of the funeral; from the moment the casket was brought into the church through the entire mass, I couldn't stop myself from crying. The tears just kept flowing as I realized she was gone, remembering what a wonderful person she was and the joy she brought to everyone that knew her. While I know that she's in a better place, it still just doesn't remove that pang of sadness.

Yesterday's burial at Arlington was the last "official" event tied with Aunt Char's passing. It was a lovely ceremony, and the priest even requested to give her the honorary title of "general," one that she rightfully deserves. But while each service has come to a close, the pain that we hold is still there. We will each have to continue to work through it in our own way every day; and everyday we'll get just a little bit stronger, and know that with everything we do, she will be looking down on us, smiling.

Parrotheads Unite!!

I write here at the desk in the lobby of my dorm, playing the lovely role of HSA, at 1:03AM. While I would love to use this time to get homework done, I'm not sure how well I would actually be able to stay awake by just doing reading. So as promised, I now bring you the long-awaited post of the 2010 Jimmy Buffett concert.

The day started as any other Buffett day would...scrambling around the house, trying to get all the food cooked at the last minute, getting the booze safely packed away, and painting our classic Buffett phrases on the car windows. Dad was on edge as usual, trying to get out of the house as soon as possible. Mackenzie pulled up in her new minivan, and the men discussed their fears of being castrated just by riding in it; all in all, a typical Phelps family pre-departure gathering. This year, however, had an added twist. There was a miscommunication for my cousin Dennis getting to the house by 1:30 and he was not yet there. Long story short, the late departure put my dad even more on edge (as well as some other things), and I was one of the lucky souls who got to be in the car with his bad mood. Of course this was Ryan's first Buffett concert, to which he had an interesting beginning, and Kathy just kept pushing my dad's buttons. It was an interesting ride for the four of us.

When we finally piled out of the car at Jiffy Lube Live, we were ready to start the party. As it turns out, we were a little behind the times...all those riding in the "swagger wagon" (as Mackenzie's van was lovingly nicknamed) had drank all the booze on the way down and were already drunk. It was great. My dad had apparently also gained a new nickname from the passengers of the swagger wagon, "Uncle Mother-F***er." How that happened I have no idea, but it was entertaining as hell for the whole night. We then gathered up all of our stuff and headed over to Mike's trailer, where we had our own little setup, bathroom included. We had brought Grandma's beer bong along, which ended up being a huge hit to both family and strangers alike. I was introduced to the amazingness that is a Malibu bay breeze, and enjoyed the tailgating festivities as always. This even included my cousin Matt breaking his wife Kristi's camera, then proceeding to chuck it on the ground, at coolers, and eventually pouring beer over it. Needless to say Kristi was not exactly pleased; luckily we were all able to laugh about it, and the party continued without anything else being broken.

(This is the picture Matt took when he broke Kristi's camera--glad he didn't break mine!)

Now, with my recent milestone birthday of 21, there was quite the hype about it throughout the entirety of tailgating. We got way too excited about getting free non-alcoholic margarita mix from the Buffett golf cart driving by, and pretty much told anyone that would listen how old I was. We all got carded several times, but for me and my recent legality, I managed to get a few extra "happy birthdays" from the people checking my ID :)

The concert of course was fun as usual. We had pavilion seats this year, center section and decently close to the stage. But I must admit, I missed the lawn. We stayed in the pavilion for about half the show before heading out to hunt for the rest of the family on the lawn. After another awesome concert, we headed back to the trailer, ate and drank more for about an hour, then headed on our journey home and back to the real world.

Well, it is now 1:56AM as I finish writing and editing this post. I've killed about an hour with a few visitors here and there, and have managed to keep myself awake. One more hour til freedom and sleep!...after I ad pictures of course.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Beginnings

Well the first week of school is finally over...and what a week it's been.

I must say that the past several days have been filled with a lot of fun. I saw friends that I haven't seen in months, moved into my dorm, celebrated my 21st birthday, and started classes for my senior year of college. Crazy to think that all of that could be squeezed into just a few days, but there it is. I guess I'll start my rambling at the most obvious point, the beginning of classes...

Senior year of college definitely stands out from senior year of high school on the homework level. Some education experts feel like senior year of high school is almost pointless...we don't really have that much more work to do, there's not much more we can do to make our college apps look good, and it's a pretty easy ride til graduation day. Not so with college. It's only the first week and I already feel like I'm drowning in reading assignments. We're trying to get anything we can to make our resumes look even better for grad school or the work force, and this year seems to matter more than all the others. I think it's going to be a good year, but it's going to be busy and challenging as hell. Time management skills, activate! Now, on to a bit more of a cheerful topic...

I'M FINALLY 21!!! I celebrated by having dinner with my dad on Tuesday at The Dubliner, followed by my friends joining me there at the bar for drinks. We had a really good time, and everyone else paid for my drinks! Woohoo! I was happy to see both old friends and new friends there, and truly felt special on my special day. Probably one of the most amusing things, however, was seeing so many people there who don't exactly like each other (or at the very least don't hang out together). The past three years have been so ridiculously drama-filled that a ton of people that may have been friends at one point have somehow or another been pulled apart; and yet here they all were, coming together for my birthday. While they all pretty much stayed apart and talked to the people they did like, I do appreciate everyone coming together for my birthday to make it a great night. Just want you all to know, it really meant a lot :)

The birthday celebrations continued on Friday night with a combined surprise party for my roommate Maura and me. Maura's 21st birthday was not only in the middle of the summer, but also in the middle of her intense army camp, and thus she had no way of actually celebrating. As it turns out, our friends had been planning this little gathering since before school had even started, and we were both pleasantly surprised. Once again, there were many people together in the room that otherwise wouldn't have been, but it was still a blast; and once again, I thank all of those people for putting up with each other.

Oh yea, and one more part of the birthday celebrations was last night's BUFFETT CONCERT!!! As always another great family gathering, but I think I'll refrain from Buffett stories for now...that could always deserve its own post ;)

One other thing that could be seen as either a good or bad thing (or potentially both), is my nostalgia for Spain. My newly-acquired independence has almost given me a bit of a smothered feel on this somewhat sheltered campus, and part of me just wants to return to my travels around Europe. I've found myself speaking Spanish to anyone that will tolerate it, and one of my biggest current goals is to try and meet a lot more new people this year. While these aren't necessarily bad things, it's definitely made me realize that I'm going to have to change my way of life at CUA compared to years past. I must admit that this can be a bit of a daunting thought process, but an exciting one as well. I suddenly find myself looking for other things to do around DC and even around the country (road trips have already been brought up in conversation). I'm so ready to branch out in the world and see even more new things...and while I can't exactly afford to return to Europe right now, why not start with exploring a bit more of my own country? I just hope that these new goals and desires to explore hold out for the year (and beyond of course) and I don't fall back into the typical college-ness (don't really know how to describe it) that I seem to have been stuck in until now.

So that's about all that's been going on and running through my head this past week. I realize that this post's length is probably disproportionate to it's level of being interesting, but that's ok. I need to get in what I can while I still have time to write a for classes, preparing for comps, and looking for a job are quickly beginning to take over my life :P

P.S. In case you didn't make the connection with my picture choice, it's because I'm sure I'll be needing a few drinks to make it through this crazy, albeit fun, school year!