Well, as you can tell from the 2+ month gap in my posts, life has gotten to be crazy busy. While I would like to say that it is because I have been living up my senior year just as I'd imagined, sadly it's just the opposite. Professors have decided that, since we're seniors, it's time to crank up the work load. The worst part is, it's not just me...everyone else in my class has also been subject to the evil, never-ending flow of school work that continuously drains our lives. Even that friend that always encourages everyone else to take a break and have fun has been too busy with school. So much for enjoying the last year of the "easy life" before entering the real world.
While that all makes the year sound absolutely miserable, I can't lie...the year really hasn't been THAT bad. In reality, it's been about average - nothing too exciting, nothing too frustrating. And while I was hoping to get out into the city more, I've still been able to have fun with my friends, even if just for a little bit. And I must say, as excited as I am for Thanksgiving, I'm ready for all the Christmas celebrations that are bound to come when I return to school: Love Actually, rummy bears, peppermint mochas from Starbucks, all the classic Christmas excitement...the list goes on and on. Then next semester, I'm hoping that my new time management skills will help me keep on top of things so I can fully take advantage of - *drumroll please* - MY FOUR DAY WEEKENDS!!! You got it, I have off Mondays and Fridays, just the right way to wrap up senior year.
Now, you might be wondering what I'm going to be doing with those long weekends. Well, the hope is that I will be taking at least a couple of road trips to see my friends at other schools. As a matter of fact, one trip is already planned, but travelling by plane rather than car. Around mid-February, Mike, Lucy and I are going up to Michigan Tech in Houghton, Michigan to visit some friends and enjoy their winter carnival. You heard right, I'm going to the UP in the middle of February. Questioning my sanity yet? It's OK, so am I. But you know what, I think it'll be fun, and it will certainly be something different.
And now, for one last MCM Update...I FINISHED THE MARINE CORPS MARATHON!!! This has probably been the highlight of my semester thus far, and it was absolutely incredible. It was a bit of a rough start to the day since I couldn't find my pace group, but luckily I found them before the start of the race and they helped me through all the way to the end. I was so blessed to be able to train with such wonderful people and I couldn't have done it without them!