A good friend of mine watches all kinds of videos online. When he finds a good one, he generally posts it as a link on his facebook, and I usually find them all pretty entertaining. Since I don't have nearly enough time and patience to sort through videos, it sure does save me a lot of effort in finding the good ones. The other day, he posted a video and a comment, "Happy Memorial Day." The video was of soldiers coming home and surprising their loved ones...I clicked the link, watched the video, and cried like a baby.
I've watched that video three or four more times, and have cried each time. I also started to watch the related videos, and cried at those, too. But the one that got me the most was the first one...it really serves as a good reminder of the sacrifice that not just our troops make, but that their families make. Even despite the controversy that lies within the wars that our country is involved in, our soldiers never give up; they still fight for the freedom of our country.
Despite all the problems that the USA has, both domestically and internationally, we can never give up. We have to stay strong and united, and support each other every step of the way. Our soldiers help us to remember this, and sacrifice more than the rest of us could ever understand. If you'd like to watch the video, here's the link:
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, but I warn you now, you'll probably cry (guys too--don't be ashamed).

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