I will be the first to admit that I absolutely love chick flicks. While some of them do in fact go over the top and annoy me, I'm usually a total sucker for that gushy love story that puts a smile on my face and sometimes even tears in my eyes. When I was a sad little teenager in high school, chick flicks were like a sign of hope. Having always been single, they were what kept my dreams dreaming and thinking that someday something amazing like that could happen to me. Then I hit college, and the hate part started to sink in a bit.
As I got older, I finally got the reality check that life was not like the movies. We single girls had always sat around watching these movies thinking "See...it happened there, it can happen to me." But let's face it--not only is this highly unlikely, but every chick flick has a different scenario, therefore making us think that ALL of these situations will eventually come our way. Which, of course, is not true. After I finally got the slightly-belated reality check that life is in fact not like the movies, I went through a short phase of hating chick flicks and the lies they tell us. Needless to say this hate phase didn't last long...
So here I am, sitting here watching the end of "Sleepless in Seattle," one of my all-time favorites. While I still know that life is not like the movies, I can't seem to break my love of these guy-repellent films. Yet at the same time, I still have a combination love-hate relationship with them. While I still get highly entertained, I get very frustrated when I watch a movie in which I feel like I'm in just that situation with no resolution, in turn pissing me off quite a bit since I know it's just a movie. I still love them though, and just did what a classic chick flick lover would do: I added "An Affair to Remember," the movie referenced in "Sleepless in Seattle," to my Netflix list. Go me.
I hope that last paragraph made some sort of sense to all of you out there. If not, let's just say that maybe chick flicks and I need to hit up therapy and heal our wounded relationship :P
And now, for something totally unrelated with my MCM training update: ran 10 miles on Sunday in the freakin tough humidity. Finished, but barely. Had a decent track workout tonight and trying to up my miles on my own. Slowly but surely getting there!
Hey Heather! Haven't said hi in a while, but I felt like I had to say something, just because I saw that Sleepless in Seattle was on TV last night and I -definitely- would have been watching it, but it was already half over. I'm pretty sure I saw An Affair to Remember years and years ago and totally loved it, so I'm betting you don't regret your choice!