
Monday, February 11, 2013

A Post for the Sake of a Post

Well, folks, it looks like that time has come. I knew at some point there would be a time when it would be much more difficult to keep up with my blog post a week goal, and this is that week. Not only do I have almost complete writer's block, but I feel like I hardly have any time. This week is going to be a fun one, but a very busy one as well. I have something going on every single day after work as well as throughout my entire long weekend. Trying to sit down and come up with something entertaining to write about just seems like such a daunting task.

And yet, before I finally sat down and started writing this, I was pretty much just procrastinating for half an hour. I had a very productive evening when I got home, but once things finally slowed down, I just sat on the couch and stared into space...and then at my many split ends (which apparently only white girls get by the way, according to my coworkers. They had a hard time grasping that the ends actually split). I could have also used that time to get some more chores done as well, but of course that didn't happen. Procrastination can just be so much easier than productivity!

Still, I figured I still needed to write something and I probably won't have time to do it tomorrow for my Tuesday deadline, so here I am. It's kind of like those days when you have to force yourself to workout even when you really don't want to. It's kind of a half-assed workout, but hey, at least it's something. That's kind of how this blog post is. It's not that I don't want to write, because if I had it my way I would do this all day every day. It's just one of those nights where the creative juices just don't seem to be flowing.

So while I brainstorm next week's hopefully much better post, here are some of my random thoughts for your enjoyment. Or boredom. Or brain cell destruction. Who knows, let me know how it works out for you when you're done:

1. THE POPE IS RESIGNING!!! I couldn't go without mentioning this since this crazy news just came out today. Oh Benny, how we'll miss you. It's also crazy to think about how I was living history just 5 years ago with my friends and classmates when he came to visit CUA. So. Awesome.
2. Speaking of working out, I should probably do that. Those 30 crunches I did this morning count, right?
3. I tried to kill a bug in my bathroom with a roll of paper towels. I knocked him off the wall, but then he just crawled into a little crack where I couldn't get to him. Stupid little bugger. And I also wasted a paper towel because there is NO WAY I'm going to use a paper towel that touched a bug.
4. Now I feel bad about wasting a paper towel. Two actually. There are poor people in this world that could probably think of a million things they could do with each of those paper towels. #firstworldproblems #guilttrip
5. I don't understand hashtags. I don't even have a Twitter. None of it makes any sense, but for whatever reason they're still fun to use.
6. I got to talk to a nun with an Australian accent today. Need I say more?
7. Half of the strawberries I bought this weekend turned out to be moldy and/or squishy. In order to make the most out of the remaining good ones, I decided to make strawberry sauce. Pretty much made it just like applesauce, but with strawberries. It's not bad, we'll see how it works as a breakfast topper.
8. Why am I still writing this? It's after 11:00 PM and I have to get up early tomorrow. Sigh...
9. I plan to write a post soon about "Embracing my inner old person." It's going to contain several awesome topics, including the minor panic attacks that I have when I stay up past 11 on a work night and listening to the Frank Sinatra Pandora station on a regular basis. Neither of which I happen to be doing at this very moment.......
10. I promise I'm actually an active 23 year old! I'm even going to a concert this week!! Yay, youthfulness! See, I'm not old yet! Right?....RIGHT???

Ok, well that's enough of my random insanity for now. Hopefully something more solid for you all next week!

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