
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hey look, my blog!

May of 2014, I wrote a blog post.

A year later, I wrote another one. Oof.

Last time I wrote I told you all about how excited I was to join Urban Teacher Center. Now I'm writing about how I haven't had time to write because of Urban Teacher Center. Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy I joined this program, but WOWZA. I never could have expected what this past year had in store for me.

Everyone told me, "This program is really hard, the first year is especially rough, teaching is hard, blah blah blah." Take that and multiply it by 100. This year has been physically, mentally, emotionally,  and any-other-way-you-can-think-of exhausting. Teaching is hard, grad school is hard, and goodness gracious I can't tell you how many times I've felt (who am I kidding, still feel) like I'm losing my mind. And yet, I'm still here. I love my students. I still want to teach. Does that mean I passed the test? Can I graduate now?

Also, I literally just made the statement that I'm going to buy all the Marvel movies with my first paycheck. I think I'm a little tired.

(To be fair, The Avengers is on TV right now, but still - who wouldn't want to watch Captain America whenever they want?)

Honestly, though, I didn't come on here to tell you all about how tired I am or how hard this all is, but really just to check in, and how, at the core of everything, I'm really happy with what I'm doing. Every time I start hating my life over the fact that I'm submitting a paper at 11:58 PM when it's due at 11:59, I remember the fact that I'm actually doing something that I care about. This always strikes me at the core, especially after having previous jobs that I didn't care about at all. I love working with my students, working with people, and starting my career in education.

Grad school, you can end anytime now. Kthanksbye.

(One more year - but fewer classes!)

Also, I just need to get back into writing again. Now that the first year of grad school is winding down, I might - might - have the opportunity to do it a bit more. I need to start somewhere, so why not begin right where I left off? I'm sure teaching will continue to come up as I write, but I also want to be sure to continue using this blog as what it's always been - a place to just chat about life and the quirkiness that it is.

And Captain America of course.

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