
Friday, January 25, 2013!!!

As dawn approached, there was an impending battle looming over the horizon. There would be no guns, no cannons. Only swords and shields..........

.........wielded by little white blood cells.

This is what I think is currently going on inside my immune system right now.

While I am not yet sick, I fear that some ominous illness may be right around the corner. I've had no distinct symptoms, but ever since yesterday morning I've had that weird feeling that my body is fighting some strange disease. A disease that I most likely picked up in the sneezing, coughing hack-fest that is the DC Metro.

In my normal routine to attempt to ward off the [insert winter disease here] epidemic, I of course started chugging orange juice and popping Airborne tablets like they were free candy. But in an unusual way, I started wondering how these actions were actually helping my immune system, and somehow that led to me picturing my white blood cells holding swords and fighting an epic battle against the evil slimy germs.

As I let this lovely little part of my imagination get away from me, I started to picture my white blood cells as the gang of soldiers from 300, fighting off the monstrous Persian germs that are threatening to enslave my health for all eternity. Based on the fact that I've still managed to avoid serious illness up to this point, I imagine that White Blood Cell Leonidas has already kicked the Persian Germ Messenger into the well screaming, "!!!!"

(I promise I'm not high on cold meds).

I have to admit, though, as crazy and weird as I might sound right now, there is something highly satisfying in picturing your immune system waging a successful battle to prevent your sickness...particularly when it involves white blood cells slashing green germy blobs in half with a sword. And hopefully my white blood cells will fare better in the end than the 300 Spartans...if all my white blood cells died then I'd be pretty screwed. But so far, so good! I think they just killed the Germ Rhino.

And just to stay on the topic of 300, if you've never seen 300 spartan apples you should totally check it out! Look, I even got fancy and made the title of the video into a link!

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